Wednesday, June 16, 2010

insan bercinta

went to batu feringhi for a job awhile back..saw this lovey dovey couple strolling the beach...just snap their 'walk' and move on as we smiled passing each other... (^^,)

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies" - Aristotle

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

traffic increase

Thanks kepada anda dengan tips ini -Cik Rahimah

1. Tulis posting artikel seperti posting ini, atau copy-paste artikel ini. Kemudian beri tajuk yang menarik.
2. Anda hanya cuma meletakkan Link URL di bawah ini untuk artikel yang anda tuliskan dalam blog / web anda.

1.Bila Aku Menulis Blog
3.My Big Family & Friends
5. matdin (orang paling terkenal hehe…)
6. MSR @Blogger
7. tengku nizam
8. mizz shizu
9. Myself V3 Me &
10.Blog Hanz
11. BeMie's WoRLd
12.Talam Keladi
13. Cerita Tentang Dia
14. Bila aku kata I love u...
15. sn@p


1. Sebelum anda meletakkan web-web di atas di komuniti Link URL ke posting web / blog anda, sila hapuskan link nombor 1.

2. Selepas itu pindahkan Link no.2 menjadi no.1, yang No.3 jadi No.2, yang No.4 jadi No.3 dan seterusnya.

3. Setelah itu masukkan link anda di urutan bawah (No.15).

***So urutannya jadi mcm nie....


My Big Family & Friends


matdin (orang paling terkenal hehe…)

MSR @Blogger

tengku nizam

mizz shizu

Myself V3 Me &

Blog Hanz

BeMie's WoRLd

Talam Keladi

12. Cerita Tentang Dia
13. Bila aku kata i love u
14. sn@p
15. Blog anda

4. Ingat! Jangan Ubah urutan daftar link itu. Jika setiap blogger mengikuti formula tersebut, maka bakal menghasilkan backlink seperti berikut:

Bila posisi anda pada no.15, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi no.14, Jumlah backlink = 5
Posisi no.13, Jumlah backlink = 25
Posisi no.12, Jumlah backlink = 125
Posisi no.11, Jumlah backlink = 625
Posisi no.10, Jumlah backlink = 3,125
Posisi no.9, Jumlah backlink = 15,625
Posisi no.8, Jumlah backlink = 78,125
Posisi no.7, Jumlah backlink = 390,625
Posisi no.6, Jumlah backlink = 1,953,125
Posisi no.5, Jumlah backlink = 9,765,625
Posisi no.4, Jumlah backlink = 48,828,125
Posisi no.3, Jumlah backlink = 244,140,625
Posisi no.2, Jumlah backlink = 1,220,703,125
Posisi no.1, Jumlah backlink = 6,103,515,625

Kita sama-sama cuba jaya okk….
Selamat mencuba!!!

***Ingat...jangan menipu...tolong menolong sesama rakan blogger untuk mendapat traffic yang banyak... Pastu Jgn Lupa promote link entry ni.. kt member2 korang.. lagi byk lagi bagus.. kalau sehari promote kat 100 blog mungkin yg buat 10% jer maknenya dalam 10 org yg buat... ingat lagi byk backlink kiter... lagi tinggi rating kiter kat google.

Selamat mencuba!!~

Monday, June 7, 2010


Sunday, June 6, 2010

old faithfull

"old age is just a record of one's whole life"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

love bird

love bird...also known as genus agapornis (courtesy of wiki)...hehe..this small parrot is a social bird...always pairing together..hence the name "love bird" ;) snap this photo at butterfly park, malacca...while I was there...snap these as well...comments are always welcome... :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


few months back...I went to Broga Hills with my thing I learned after 40 minutes or so of hiking and climbing that hill was...I need to get back in shape...hehe..anyways..the hike was worth it..the view and the cold mountain air were so refreshing...even so it was a cloudy morning and the 'lalang' was burned..I manage to get some good shots...this is a photo of my friend going through the burned lalang...manage to snap it on our way down...planning on going there again soon...hopefuly there will be some greens and sunrise... ;)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Last March, the company was kind enough treating us a trip to Karambunai, was great...white sandy beach...tropical sea breeze...clear blue was paradise..and the buffet was amazing...5 star and my friends cant get enough of it..hehe...other than filling oursleves with food...we did some shopping at the philippine market...great bargain...we had a nice long walk through the forest and climb on the canopy walk in the kinabalu park...later..we went to see the kinabalu peak..sadly no photo of it cause we didnt get to see the peak since it was raining when we got there (sigh~)...we did manage to see the peak for awhile at Nabalu Village though...great view...and some other stuff arranged by the company...but the highlight of the trip..atleast for me...island hopping and snorkling...the people there is super nice and friendly..even the fish are friendly...just show the fish food and they'll come swimming around you...hehe...too bad the trip only last for 3 days...definitely gonna make another trip to Sabah...anyways...the photo here is the jetty of Manukan Island...snap it when we arrived at the island...